According to a British study quoted in the New York Times, exercising a lot will kill you. Rather, running consistently for many years can cause fibrosis, or scarring within the heart muscle.
The study examined twenty men between the ages of 26 and 67, who had worked out strenuously throughout their adult lives. When magnetic resonance imaging of their hearts was compared to twenty healthy men who did not exercise as frequently, researchers were able to identify early signs of fibrosis within the heart muscle. Fibrosis can lead to stiffening or thickening of portions of the heart, which can contribute to irregular heart function and, eventually, heart failure.
The researchers did point out that moderate exercise a few times a week is beneficial to most non-athletes, but the emerging science suggests that there may be a threshold of distance, intensity or duration beyond which exercise can have undesirable effects.
I knew that running was awful, and here’s the proof I needed. Now I just have to find a study denouncing the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables to justify my unhealthy diet.