British period drama, “Downton Abbey” is schedule to return to American television on January 8, 2012 as a part of PBS’s Masterpiece Theater. Earlier this month the show’s executive producers and cast appeared at the Television Critics Association press tour and revealed details of the upcoming second season.
The timeline of season two will be similar to season one, spanning from 1916 through the end of the First World War. Nearly all of the characters will be returning, with the exception of Gwen and one who has yet to be revealed. While the focal point of season two will be the affects of the war on Downton and its inhabitants, the plight of Crawley daughters’ love lives will not be far from the spotlight.
Another Masterpiece hit that’s scheduled to return in 2012 is the updated BBC version of “Sherlock Holmes”, which beat out Downton at this year’s BAFTA awards.