Anyone who has seen Showtime’s “The Tudors” knows who Henry Cavill is; he played Charles Brandon, Henry VIII’s closest friend and advisor. What most people don’t know is that he was Stephanie Meyer’s first choice to portray Edward Cullen in the “Twilight” series. At the time, he was already 25, and producers thought he was too old to play a 17-year-old. Good news for Robert Pattinson.
Today it was announced that Cavill might have another shot at stardom when he becomes the next Superman. According to Deadline, the studio was looking for someone who is not already a household name. Other than Cavill, they were considering Armie Hammer, the Winklevii in “Social Network,” Joe Manganiello, werewolf guy on “True Blood,” and Ian Somerhalder, Boone from “Lost.”
Interestingly, this now means all of America ’s great superheroes are being played by men from the UK : Henry Cavill as Superman, Andrew Garfield as Spiderman and Christian Bale. I love my country, but all three of them are pretty amazing. I love them all. I think I have a thing for Brits.