Michael Douglas |
11:00pm: Whew. Three hours of live blogging is exhausting!
10:55pm: Best Picture Drama: Social Network. Remember when everyone scoffed at the idea of a movie about Facebook?
10:49pm: I like that Colin Firth has a triangle of "manlove" with Tom Hooper and Geoffrey Rush. Geoffrey Rush is his geisha.
10:47pm: Best Actor in a Drama: Colin Firth. Finally, The King's Speech wins something! I'm going to go rewatch this tomorrow.
10:40pm: Best Comedy or Musical: The Kids Are All Right. Congrats. You beat Burlesque.
10:37pm: I wish Jennifer Lawrence won for Winter's Bone. Or Hailee Steinfeld was at least nominated for True Grit.
10:36pm: Natalie Portman talking about how her fiancee had to say he didn't want to sleep with her in Black Swan, but was such a great actor cause he DID want to sleep with her. A little strange to say in such a public setting considering he had a live-in girlfriend when their relationship began.
10:34pm: Best Actress in a Drama: Natalie Portman.

10:33pm: I wonder if Inception had been released in the winter, instead of the summer if it would have been getting more recognition at the award shows. The novelty has worn off a bit since July.
10:26pm: Best Actor in a Comedy: Paul Giamatti for Barney's Version. Johnny Depp cancelled himself out with two noms.
10:23pm: Commercial Break: So far it's a Mad Men and King's Speech shutout. Half hour left.
10:19pm: Best Comedy Series: Glee. It is decent karaoke.
10:16pm: Best Director: David Fincher for Social Network. Will Social Network take all the big awards tonight?
10:14pm: It appears as if Megan Fox just flashed the audience. Her dress was quite pretty though!
10:12pm: Commercial Break: Helena Bonham Carter is appearing on a lot of Worst Dressed lists. Did anyone expect her to show up in Armani Prive with combed hair?
9:59pm: I do love Matt Damon doing DeNiro impressions though.
9:58pm: The Cecil B. DeMille award. Thank god. I was not aware Robert DeNiro was a great actor. Little Fockers was cinema gold.
9:51pm: Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo from The Fighter.

9:47pm: Thomas Jane from Hung looks pissed to be at the Golden Globes.
9:41pm: Best Actress in a Comedy Series: Laura Linney. Cancer is funny y'all! Remember how great Community was, but wasn't nominated at all?
9:39pm: I'm kind of sad that the British Film Council no longer exists. So many great movies. For example, the Harry Potter movies. NERD ALERT.
9:37pm: I know I made a crack about Tilda Swinton earlier, but she did speak Italian with a Russian accent in I Am Love, which is pretty impressive. Denmark's interesting too.
9:33pm Commercial Break: Sandra, you're single. It's no reason to let yourself go.
9:30pm: Best Supporting Actress in TV Comedy: Jane Lynch. Sigh. Everyone loves Glee.
9:27pm: Aaron Sorkin said in his acceptance speech that he tries to write films under ths assumption that people who watch movies are as smart as people who make movies. Was he sitting a theater when Grown Ups was playing?
9:25pm: Best Screenplay: "You know what's better than a million dollars? A billion dollars."
9:20pm: Commercial Break: So far so good. CBS hasn't won yet.
9:16pm: Claire Danes wins for Temple Grandin. She has one of the best dresses of the night.
9:11pm: Is Tilda Swinton a real person?

9:08pm Commercial Break: Why do people like Michelle Williams' dress?
9:05pm: Don't know how I feel about Annette Bening's pointed sperm donor comment. Followed by a long uncomfortable pause.
9:03pm: Best Actress in a Comedy: Annette Bening. Shock. Surprise. Snooze.
9:00pm Robert Downey Jr. is so cool and so inappropriate. I think I'm in love.

8:57pm: Best Animated Feature: Toy Story 3. How is Burlesque nominated as a legitimate movie over Toy Story 3?
8:55pm: How much better does Justin Bieber's hair look?
8:51pm: Commercial Break. How ridiculous is Scarlett Johansson's hair look?
8:39pm: Best Television Drama: Boardwalk Empire. I have to wait one more year for Season 2?

8:33pm: Best Actor in a TV Series Drama, probably the strongest set of nominees.
8:25pm: Chris Colfer for Best Supporting Actor in a comedy series? I'll accept it since it's not CBS. But my heart still lies with Cam from Modern Fam.
8:10pm: Katey Sagal won for Sons of Anarchy! Thank god the actress from The Closer didn't win again.
8:06pm: Christian Bale tonight:

8:03pm: Best joke of the evening? "Also not nominated was 'I Love You Philip Morris,' Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor. Two heterosexual characters pretending to be gay. So the complete opposite of some famous Scientologists, then."