Sunday, February 6, 2011

Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons

There are so many things to watch on Thursday nights that it’s hard to keep track of all the shows, then process and post something in a timely fashion.  I obviously lead a very thrilling life, but I couldn’t let this week’s “Community” pass by without commenting on how truly awesome the show is.  Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons was a play on all of the LOTR movies, with a little bit of blackface mixed in.  Don’t worry though, it wasn’t offensive because Ken Jeong was only dressed as Drow from Dungeons and Dragons. 

I really love this show because it’s only the second season and the writers continue to keep the jokes fresh by trying new things to keep the show interesting.  Unlike, “The Office” which relies heavily on how clueless Michael Scott is, or “30 Rock” which focuses on how aloof Liz Lemon can be.  I'd say it's very similar to "Arrested Development" which was a truly great show before it was canceled.