Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sons of Anarchy

Please note: That is a juicebox of Jameson.
Last night was the season finale of Sons of Anarchy and it could not have been a more gratifying end to Season 3.   For those who are unfamiliar with the show, it’s a fabulous serial drama on FX about a West Coast biker gang.  Before you cast judgment, let me say that I was skeptical at first, but show creator and writer, Kurt Sutter has done a wonderful job creating a show on par with other cable dramas like The Wire or Mad Men. 

Three seasons in, there still seem to be a number of interesting stories in Sons that have yet to be told.  Without giving too much away, fans of the show agree that this season was slow.  However, Sutter played the long con on his viewers, and ended with one of the better season finale twists I’ve seen.  He has set things up perfectly for the inter-family struggle in season 4.
Now that Sons is over, I need to find a new show to latch onto.  Unfortunately, this Sunday three more of my shows are having their season finales: Boardwalk Empire, Walking Dead and Dexter.  While I’m quite sad to be losing 4 of my shows in one week, I will say that story lines benefit when each season is limited to only 12-13 episodes.  They’re all far and away better than anything that’s on network prime time.